About us
T.R. with the decision of the Council of Ministers, “Fethi Toker Fine Arts and Design Faculty” was established in Safranbolu district of Karabük province under the Rectorate of Zonguldak Karaelmas University. The faculty, which started its educational activities by taking 25 students to the Department of Architecture in the 2003-2004 academic year, was affiliated to the Karabuk University Rectorate, which was established in Karabuk with the law no 5662 dated 17 May 2007.
T.R. With the decision of the Council of Ministers numbered 2014/5925, it was decided to establish the "Faculty of Architecture" under the Rectorate of Karabuk University, and our Faculty gained its legal personality on 03.03.2017.
The Department of Landscape Architecture within the Faculty of Forestry was transferred to our Faculty with the decision taken at the meeting of the Higher Education Executive Board dated 12.02.2020 and the letter of the Presidency of the Higher Education Council dated 18.02.2020 and numbered 13435. Thus, our Faculty; It has been a four-department faculties with the Departments of Architecture, Interior Architecture, Landscape Architecture, City and Regional Planning.
With the Presidential Decision dated 22.11.2021 and numbered 4831 published in the Official Gazette dated 23.11.2021 and numbered 31668, the name of the Faculty of Architecture was changed to "Basak Cengiz Faculty of Architecture".

The name of our faculty was changed to "Safranbolu Başak Cengiz Faculty of Architecture" with the Presidential Decree No. 8653, which came into force after being published in the Official Gazette No. 32586 dated 28.06.2024.