Landscape Architecture
Landscape Architecture, which examines the concepts of nature, planning and design in a systematic structure, deals with space planning, design and management by bringing together science, art, engineering and technology. Landscape Architecture is a professional discipline whose mission is to find solutions to environmental problems that threaten the future of humanity, to protect, restore and sustain natural and cultural assets and to utilize them to a certain extent (conservation-utilization balance). Landscape Architecture is a professional discipline that makes physical planning with ecological data-based education.
Working Areas and Employment Opportunities 
It is the working area of many public institutions, especially Local Governments. Investment Planning Directorates, Zoning Departments / Directorates, Environmental Protection Departments, Parks and Gardens Directorates, City and Regional Planning Directorates, Urban Design Directorates, Culture and Nature Conservation Boards, Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Ministry of Public Works and Settlement, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Turkish Standards Institute, General Directorate of Highways, It is possible to work in public institutions such as Iller Bank, Environmental and Nature Conservation, Physical Planning, EIA, protected area protection and planning units, General Directorate of Nature Conservation and National Parks, Ministry of Culture, Tourism Research Institutes, tourism facilities, private landscape architecture - architecture - urban planning - civil engineering offices or firms, private enterprises that produce and market ornamental plants and inanimate materials.